strMiscSpamDetectorLab=Self-Learning Spam Detector will observe incoming correspondence, learn when you delete or not delete messages and use all the received knowledge to calculate spam probability. (Note: It requires few more system resources)
strMiscAutoCheck=Enable auto checker
strMiscAutoCheckMinLab=check every:
strMiscAutoCheckLab=When MBD window is closed auto checker refreshes list of messages and processes messages automatically.
strMiscAddClients=Add installed email clients to Quick Launcher
strMiscAddClientsLab=Quick Launcher is the small box in the bottom-left corner of MBD window and it allows you to execute command lines and launch programs (such as email clients) quickly.
strFinishLabel=Setup is complete!
strFinishLabel2=Click on Finish button to save the settings and launch Mail Box Dispatcher 2.
strNewMsgsAct=New Messages
strFriendAct=Is Friend
strUnwantedAct=Is Unwanted
[Tip of the Day]
Caption=Tip of the Day
strHead=Did you know...
strStartup=Show tips at startup
Tip1=You can copy Sender and Recipient Addresses, Subject, Attachment filenames to the clipboard by right-clicking on a message in the Message Browser.
Tip2=You can setup events that fire for messages with identical senders or subjects and different recipients. Use Tools > Options to setup them.
Tip3=You can setup event that will fire when there are any new messages in your mail boxes. Use Tools > Options to setup it.
Tip4=Mail Box Dispatcher can refresh and process messages automatically when the window is hidden. Use Tools > Options to setup it.
Tip5=Mail Box Dispatcher saves your traffic! It doesn't download messages wholly. It downloads few body lines and for new messages only!
Tip6=You can easily enable or disable auto-checker. Right-click on the Tray Icon and select Turn On or Turn Off to Enable or Disable it.
Tip7=You can Hide the Mail Box Dispatcher window quickly by pressing Esc button.
Tip8=You can Refresh List by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Space
Tip9=You can Process List by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Enter
Tip10=You can navigate and mark messages in the Message Navigator using a keyboard. Use Up/Down arrows to move between messages. Press D or Space to mark for deletion. Press G to mark for downloading.
Tip11=You can double-click on an account in the Account Manager to refresh it.
Tip12=You can use Alt+1, Alt+2, Alt+3, Alt+4 shortcuts to show/hide Blacklist, Whitelist, Bad Phrases, Allowed Recipients quickly
Tip13=You can use Ctrl+Shift+E to Retrigger events. It is very useful when you need to test new events for messages in your mail accounts
Tip14=You can Drag-and-Drop addresses from the Message Browser and words/phrases from the Message Preview directly to Filter Lists
Tip15=You can use Tools->Blacklist to add/remove unwanted senders.
Tip16=You can use Tools->Whitelist to add/remove friendly senders whose messages will be prevented from deletion marking
Tip17=You can use Tools->Bad Phrases to add/remove unwanted subject/body words, clauses and phrases.
Tip18=You can use Tools->Allowed Recipients to add allowed recipients. Note: If there aren't any recipients in the Allowed Recipients list, all recipients are allowed.
Tip19=It is possible to sort the message list by clicking on the columns.
Tip20=You can hide/show the message browser columns by the context menu that appears on right-click.
Tip21=You can drag and drop columns to change their order.
Tip22=Mail Box Dispatcher has Spam Detector. It teaches when you delete or not delete messages and use the received experience to calculate spam probability.
Tip23=You can reply to incoming email messages by Default email program directly from Mail Box Dispatcher. Right-click on a message in the Message Browser and select Reply by Default email program option to do that.
Tip24=You can request resending for messages that have been deleted. Open the Log of Deleted messages window. Right-click on a message and select Request resending and add the Sender to the Whitelist.
Caption=About Mail Box Dispatcher
strNotRegistered=Not registered
strRegistered=Registered to
strGetCD=Get the CD
strRegData=Registration Data
strCommentsMail=Have any comments? Email to:
strHomepage=Homepage of Mail Box Dispatcher:
strThanksForReg=Thanks for registering! You are able to use Mail Box Dispatcher at your place of business.
strMBDIsFree1=Mail Box Dispatcher 2 is Freeware for non-commercial (at home) use. If you wish to use it at your place of work click on Registration Data.
strMBDIsFree2=If you like the program, please support its development by purchasing Mail Box Dispatcher Video Guide edition CD.
strTabOptions=Program Options
strTabSpamDetector=Spam Detector
strTabFilterLists=Filter Lists
strTabGlobEvents=Global Events 1
strTabGlobEvents2=Global Events 2
strTabMsgBrowser=Message Browser
strAutoCheckerOptions=Auto checker options
strLaunchAutoCheck=Launch auto-checker every:
strAllowDelete=Allow auto checker to mark messages for deletion
strClearAllText=If you proceed, you will reset all the info and statistics of your dictionaries. Do you wish to do that?
strClearAllCaption=Clear All..
strFilterListsOptions=Filter Lists
strSenInBlackList=If a Sender is in the BlackList, then apply the action to the message:
strSenInWhiteList=If a Sender is in the WhiteList, then apply the action to the message:
strStrInBadList=If a Subject or Textual Parts contain a string from the Bad Phrases list, then apply the action to the message:
strRecipNotAllow=If a Recipient isn't in the list of Allowed Recipients and the list is nonempty, then apply the action to the message:
strApplyFilterOnRefresh=Apply the Filter List actions to new messages on Refresh List.
strGlobalEvents=Global Events
strIfNewMsgs=If there are new messages in the mail boxes, then execute:
strRecipIsSender=If a Recipient is equal to a Sender, then apply the action to the message:
strTextIsEmpty=If a message has empty textual part, then apply the action to it:
strIfTwoMessages=If two or more messages have...
strSamSen=same Senders, then apply the action to them:
strDifRecSamSen=same Senders and different Recipients, then apply the action to them:
strSamSub=same Subjects, then apply the action to them:
strDifRecSamSub=same Subjects and different Recipients, then apply the action to them:
strSamSenSamSub=same Senders and same Subjects, then apply the action to them:
strSamAtt=same Attachments, then apply the action to them:
strAddAction=Add New Action
strMiscOptions=Miscellaneous Options
strAutoStart=Launch Mail Box Dispatcher on Windows startup
strHideWhenMin=Hide window when minimized
strMinimizeOnStart=Start minimized
strMinimizeOnX=Hide the main window on click "X"
strIncludeQuote=Include an original quote when replying by default email program
strClearTaskLog=Clear Log of Tasks on exit
strClearDelLog=Clear Log of Deleted messages on exit
strEnterValidPercentValue=Enter valid percent value: 0.00 to 100.00
strEnterValidNumber=Enter valid number: 1..999
strSince=Since: %s
strMsgSent=Messages sent to you: %s
strMsgSentSize=Total size: %s KB
strMsgSentPrevSize=Received for previews: %s KB
strMsgDel=Messages deleted: %s
strMsgDelSize=Total size: %s KB
strMsgDelPrevSize=Received for previews: %s KB
strMsgLeft=Messages left: %s
strMsgLeftSize=Total size: %s KB
strMsgLeftPrevSize=Received for previews: %s KB
strClearStatistics=Clear Statistics
strClearStatisticsText=If you proceed, you will reset all the statistics of your received messages. Do you wish to do that?
strClearStatisticsCaption=Clear statistics...
strDelIncoming=You delete: %s%% of all incoming email messages
strSavedIncoming=Saved: %s KB (%s%% of traffic)
strLeftIncoming=You leave: %s%% of all incoming email messages
[Trim Dictionaries]
Caption=Trim dictionaries
strText=Use this menu to remove infrequent words and to lower the large dictionaries sizes. Note: it is not recommended to use the value higher than 1, because it will reduce the Spam Detector accuracy.
strTrimFreq=Remove words whose usage frequency equal to or lesser than:
strGetLastVersion=Get Latest version of Mail Box Dispatcher
strWatchTutMov=Watch the Tutorial Movie
strAbout=About Mail Box Dispatcher
strViewLog=View Log
strQuickLauncher=Quick Launcher:
strReportAutoNew=%s has %d new messages after last checking
strReportAutoNoNew=%s has no new messages after last checking
strReportAutoDel=%d messages was deleted
strTrayHintNoNew=No new messages.
strTrayHintNew=%d new messages in %d mail account(s).
strTrayHintAutoDel=%d messages has been auto-deleted.
ADLogStringFormat=From: %s; To: %s; Subject: %s; Size: %d;
StatusNewTotalTemplate=New: %d Total: %d
StatusLastCheckNot=Last check: not checked yet
StatusLastCheckTemplate=Last check: %d minute(s) ago
StatusAutoCheckerEnabled=Auto Checker Enabled (When the MBD is hidden it will monitor accounts)
StatusAutoCheckerDisabled=Auto Checker Disabled
strTurnACOn=Auto Checker - Turn On
strTurnACOff=Auto Checker - Turn Off
strTellDev=Please try again. If this error continues send bug report to developer.
strCantLaunch=Can not launch
strNoMessages=No messages to show.
strPopColsHide=Hide '%s' column
strPopColsShow=Show '%s' column
strBrPopAddEvt=Add a new event
strBrPopAddSenderToBlacklist=Add the Sender Address to the Blacklist
strBrPopAddSubjectToBadCls=Add the Subject to the Bad Phrases
strBrPopAddSenderToWhitelist=Add the Sender Address to the Whitelist
strBrPopCopySender=Copy the Sender Address to the Clipboard
strBrPopCopyRecipient=Copy the Recipient Address to the Clipboard
strBrPopCopySubject=Copy the Subject to the Clipboard
strBrPopCopyAttachName=Copy the Attachment filenames to the Clipboard
strPrPopAddTextToBadCls=Add the selected text to the Bad Phrases
strPrPopCopyTex=Copy the selected text to the Clipboard
strPrPopSelectAll=Select All
strPrPopGetAllLines=Receive all message lines
strActivate=Activate %s
strDeactivate=Deactivate %s
strRefreshAccount=Refresh %s content
strProcessAccount=Process %s messages
strAttachments=Has attachments: %s
strNewMessage=New message
strBrLearnToBList=Blacklist the sender address (checked)
strBrLearnToWList=Whitelist the sender address (checked)
strBrLearnNotToBList=Blacklist the sender address (unchecked)
strBrLearnNotToWList=Whitelist the sender address (unchecked)
strErrActEvt=There are some errors in Events/Actions data (Possibly reason: incorrect termination of MBD). Press OK to restore the old settings.
strErrAcc=There are some errors in Accounts data (Possibly reason: incorrect termination of MBD). Press OK to restore the old settings.
strErrQck=There are some errors in Quick Launcher data (Possibly reason: incorrect termination of MBD). Press OK to restore the old settings.
strQCantLaunch=The program can't be launched
strTaskQueue=Task Queue:
strPrevMsg=Message Preview:
strPrevMsgAsIs=Body Preview As-Is
strPrevMsgPlainBody=Textual Parts
strSpamDetectorDisabled=Use Options menu to enable this feature
strNotLearnedEnough=You'll begin to see the spam probability rating after enough messages will be observed
strMPrevInfoNoSel=No message selected
strMPrevInfoMsgSize=Message size: %s (%s)
strMPrevInfoPrevSize=Received for the preview: %s
[Message Browser]
ColSizeNoSuf=Size, kb
ColSpamProb=Spam Rating
[Customize Quick Launcher]
Caption=Customize Quick Launcher
strProgName=Program Name:
strCommandLine=Command line:
strDeleteQuestion=Do you really want to delete account '%s'?
[Mail Accounts]
Caption=Configure mail accounts
strInvalidNumber=You've entered invalid number!
strInvalidName=You've entered invalid name!
strDeleteQuestion=Do you really want to delete account '%s'?
strAccountName=Account Name:
strPop3Server=Incoming mail server (POP3):
strLabelLeaveEmpty=Leave the Password field blank if you don't wish to keep passwords. In this case you'll be prompted to enter the Password every time you log on.
strPop3Port=Port (Default:110):
strMsgLines=Number of message lines for preview:
strDisParams=Display parameters for Account column of the message navigator
strShowIcon=Show Icon
strShowName=Show Account Name
strSelColor=Select Color ->
[View Log]
Caption=History of task executions
strClearLog=Clear Log
[View DelLog]
Caption=History of deleted Messages
strClearLog=Clear Log
prefixDeletedOn=DELETED ON
strResendRequest=Request resending and add the Sender to the Whitelist
strResendRequestNoWhite=Request resending
subjReqResend=Please, resend your message
bodyReqIHaventReceived=I haven't received your email message. Please resend it again.
bodyReqResendGenBy=Generated by:
[Common Event Strings]
strIsEqualTo=%s is equal to ...
strAtTheEndOf=... is at the end of %s
strAtTheBeginOf=... is at the begin of %s
strContainsAnywhere=%s contains ...
strIsGreaterThan=%s larger than ...
[Global Events]
strEvtDifRecSamSen=Same Sender > Few recipients
strEvtDifRecSamSub=Same Subject > Few recipients
strEvtSamSen=Same Sender
strEvtSamSub=Same Subject
strEvtSamSenSamSub=Same Sender, Same Subject
strEvtSamAtt=Same Attachments
strSpamProbLargerEvt=High Spam Rating
strSpamProbSmallerEvt=Low Spam Rating
BlackListEvt=Blacklisted Sender
WhiteListEvt=Whitelisted Sender
BadPhrasesEvt=Bad Phrase
AllowedRecipEvt=Not allowed recipient
EvtRecEqualSenEvt=Recipient and Sender are equal
EvtEmptyTextEvt=Empty Text
[Event Editor Window]
strBeginnerMode=Beginner Mode
strExpertMode=Expert Mode
strLoseData=The event has settings that's only available in expert mode. You'll lose them if you proceed.
strInvalidSize=You've entered invalid number!
strInvalidName=You've entered invalid name!
strEventName=Event Name:
strEventConditions=Event Conditions
strBegEventFires=Fire the event if:
strBegBody=Textual Parts contains ...
strBegSize=Size is larger than ...
strBegAttach=Message has attachment:
strExpEventFires=Fire the event if:
strExpSender=Sender conforms to ...
strExpRecipient=Recipient conforms to ...
strExpSubject=Subject conforms to ...
strExpBody=Textual Parts conform to ...
strExpAttach=Attachments conform to ...
strExpHeaders=Headers conform to ...
strExpWhole=Message Body conform to ...
strExpSize=Size is larger than ...
strExpReadMore=Read more
strTip1=- The event fires when an email messsage complies with ALL the enabled conditions.
strTip2=- You can use wildcard characters (* and ?) in condition strings. The * means "match any number of characters in this spot," and the ? wildcard means "match any character in this spot."
strTip3=- You can use | character in condition strings. It means 'OR'.
strEventAction=Event Action
strActionCaption=When the event is fired execute this action:
strAddAction=Add New Action
[Add Event Dialog]
Caption=Add new event
[Event Editor]
Caption=Event Editor
strMoveUp=Move Up
strMoveDown=Move Down
strDeleteQuestion=Do you really want to delete event '%s'?